How technology helps teachers to reach struggling students

When Loop was getting started, I was asked to present to a group of 23 visitors to our office, keen to learn about start-ups and factors that contribute to the success of these organisations. To start, I opted to embark on a little experiment. I simulated a classroom environment as a lighthearted way to introduce the purpose and function of Loop,false

Case Study: Building an engaging student experience

The challenge

With more than 20,000 students and 1,000 teachers, one of Australia’s largest dual-sector tertiary institutions sought to implement a consistent system for teachers to gather feedback from their students.

How to ask an effective question on Loop

Asking an effective question on Loop is important for one simple reason: the better the question the more useful the feedback you gather. We have worked with thousands of teachers who have integrated Loop into their practice, and continue to learn from them about how to best use Loop.

3 easy questions to get started with student feedback

John Hattie makes an interesting observation about student feedback. Hattie argues that while “feedback is critical to raising achievement," its absence in classrooms remains a problem.

5 tips for gathering useful feedback from your students

Student feedback is a simple and fast way to learn what’s working in your classroom and what needs tweaking. Creating an effective flow of feedback increases classroom engagement and positive learning outcomes. 

Your PDP includes Student Voice… now what?

Activating Student Voice in your classroom is a powerful way to increase student engagement and boost performance. Given the impact of Student Voice in many educational institutions, teachers are increasingly addingStudent Voiceto their Professional Development Plans (PDPs).  

How to help your students to reflect

One thing we consistently notice when we work with education institutions to implement a Student Voice program is that students believe that they are not reflecting enough on the lessons they are undertaking. 

How to use technology to activate Student Voice

Education research continues to support the role of Student Voice in improving educational outcomes. Establishing continuous feedback loops between students and teachers is vital to strengthening learning and teaching.

How the best teachers introduce student feedback

To build a product that teachers deeply love, we talk to teachers almost every day. It’s apparent that some teachers gather more useful student feedback than others. 

This is not by chance. It follows from how the teacher initially framed feedback to their class.