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I am proud of maintaining my enthusiasm to teach and inspire students even after 25 years of teaching. In fact, I am comfortable writing that I am enthusiastic to promote a love for learning more than ever.
There’s one challenge every school leader can relate to. How to keep students engaged and learning to the best of their ability?
With many schools adapting to remote learning, keeping students connected and engaged with teachers, classes, and school culture is more important than ever.
Early Career Teachers (ECTs) in their first years after university face numerous challenges. The teaching environment is undergoing change at a rapid pace. New teachers have limited experience trying new pedagogical approaches, gauging the impact of delivery and discovering how to fostering a sense of inclusion and support student wellbeing.
The classroom dynamic is changing. Gone are the days of the teacher standing up the front delivering a lesson to a class of students sitting still. Today you will regularly find interactive classrooms that are a vibrant place of learning and exploration. Within these classrooms there is also now an expectation for students to develop soft skills suchfalse
When Loop was getting started, I was asked to present to a group of 23 visitors to our office, keen to learn about start-ups and factors that contribute to the success of these organisations. To start, I opted to embark on a little experiment. I simulated a classroom environment as a lighthearted way to introduce the purpose and function of Loop,false
Activating Student Voice in your classroom is a powerful way to increase student engagement and boost performance. Given the impact of Student Voice in many educational institutions, teachers are increasingly addingStudent Voiceto their Professional Development Plans (PDPs).
Education research continues to support the role of Student Voice in improving educational outcomes. Establishing continuous feedback loops between students and teachers is vital to strengthening learning and teaching.